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Experts in Downtown Revitalization, Economic Development, Strategic Marketing & Communication Plans.
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Our Mission

From The Ground Up, Inc. has enjoyed success since 1996, i.e. 25 YEARS, cultivating relationships with Our Team of Experts. We’ve established a remarkable network of connections in the corporate and non-profit arenas as well as with local, statewide, and federal government entities. Expertise in event management, enhancing brands, and strategic plans are a few of our favorite things.


The really cool thing about our team is our diverse backgrounds with small town roots! As we say in the South – we didn’t forget “our raisin’” nor did we forget how unique it was growing up in small town America. As our State is seeing a positive increase in families moving here, we’re also seeing the outlying small towns beginning to reap the benefits.


As we look forward, we’re pursuing our passion for helping small towns thrive. We are expanding our Economic Development, Rural and Downtown Revitalization services to reach out to small towns. Our team is taking the other fork in the road, aka the rural road, to work side by side with our most treasured areas of North Carolina.  This clear vision unifies the efforts for all stakeholders and becomes the town’s foundation to develop a multi-year action plan that positions them for long-term sustainable growth. With our expertise and guidance, we help drive these revitalization efforts that generate downtown growth and progress in these small home towns, literally From The Ground Up!

Our Clients

During the last 25 years, From The Ground Up! has built an impressive client list. Our versatile and qualified team of experts always deliver – no matter the size or scope of a project. The variety of clients we have partnered with over the years have only enhanced our skills and knowledge. We’ve also made LOTS of friends!
