What do YOU think when you hear this term? “Oh that’s just PR or how is THAT supposed to help us get to our goal” – whatever that goal may be. Let’s look at the definition of strategy:
Strategy strat·e·gy/ˈstradəjē/ noun
a plan of action or policy designed to achieve a major or overall aim.
“time to develop a coherent economic strategy”
We happen to have a few solid reasons of what a kick-ass marketing & communications strategy will do FOR your goal.
We work with you to develop the right strategy for your goal(s). Those steps include: research & assessment, revitalization market analysis, visioning & branding assessment, branding survey, workshops, implementation & action plan. We break these out into three (3) phases, to make it more manageable AND affordable for the client.
Phase I: Research & Assessment – Revitalization Market Analysis
- This phase provides a roadmap for revitalization efforts. We provide a fact-based look at existing business conditions in the area as well as insight into the types of businesses that would be needed to create proper balance for becoming a destination.
Phase II: Visioning & Brand Assessment – Branding Survey, Workshop & Results
- A strong vision must be supported by a strong positioning and an action plan for the vision coming to fruition. We begin with a survey followed by a Branding Workshop to understand how the town sees itself as well as how others view the town.
Phase III: Implementation & Action Plan – Marketing Communications Strategy
- Using information gathered in the Phase 1 & Phase 2, we will develop a plan for presenting the town to key audiences: Residents, Businesses, Visitors & Travelers that meet objectives of driving awareness, economic development, tourism and commercial and residential growth.