We offer substantive plans that create “metrics for success.” We navigate this process along with economic development plans that can be implemented over the long haul. The same can be said for downtown revitalizations, such as “re-purposing” an empty building and creating thoughtful strategic marketing and communication plans to demonstrate success.
We are the team to re-invigorate downtown revitalization by “leveraging proximity” to larger towns that are showing success. As an example, Research Triangle Park spawned growth in nearby communities in the triangle region as these towns “leveraged proximity” to RTP. This same formula can be implemented in your community. Success creates job opportunities for residents living in outlying communities – aka the “ripple” effect.
Most importantly: local elected officials & community leaders that look toward the future and not back – what can be instead of what was. Our goal and promise to you is to create a holistic and cross-functional approach to any revitalization initiatives. This requires the cooperation of multiple entities. To guide the Marketing and Communications efforts of a Revitalization Plan, our team provides turnkey services.
We will reinvigorate a “community of excellence” type program with a process that engages, produces, and implements a plan – specifically designed for your “community of excellence”.